Swan Guildford Historical Society

Swan Guildford Historical Society

Swan Guildford Historical Society is a not-for-profit dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich history of Guildford and the Swan region.

Front of Colonial Gaol with visitors


Come on a guided tour to hear stories about law and order in Guildford. The perfect day out for the family, our tour includes the Colonial Gaol, Taylor’s Cottage, the prison exercise yard and lastly the Wash House.

Schubert cigarette lighter

Donated art deco cigarette lighter


Swan Guildford Historical Society collects objects that are linked to key moments, people and places, showcasing the history of Guildford and the Swan Valley.

We appreciate offers to donate items that fit the following criteria:

We recommend you contact us first to discuss donating objects. Phone (08) 9379 1829 OR email sghistsoc@gmail.com. The Curator will then advise if the object is suitable for donation.  The next step it to sign a Donor / Deed of Gift Form.  The object would then become the property of the Swan Guildford Historical Society.

Our headquarters: Judy Hamersley House


Swan Guildford Historical Society was founded in 1962 thanks to the foresight of Judy Hamersley, granddaughter of pioneers Charles and Fanny Harper of Woodbridge.

Judy understood the importance of the area, firstly to Aboriginal people who had met in the area for generations, in the area they know as Mandoon. With the establishment of the Swan River Colony in 1829, Guildford became a market town and a transport hub, the agricultural cradle of the new settlement.

Judy’s mission was to gather artefacts for a museum and record the history of the area for current and future generations. Today Guildford is a recognised historic town, classified by the National Trust, and the Swan Valley is one of Western Australia’s most visited tourism destinations.

From these early beginnings, the Society’s museum collection has grown to be a must see attraction. We display items from our collections in the Colonial Gaol and in Taylor’s Cottage. A display of farming machinery and a blacksmith’s forge are located in the Gaol’s exercise yard.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Monthly History Talk | 10 February 2025
St. Matthews Anglican Church Hall, Stirling Square Guildford
7:00 pm
Join us on Monday 10th February for the first meeting with a guest speaker for 2025.
Back by popular demand, Bill Cutler will talk about C.Y. O'Connor's legacy, in a paper entitled "Beyond the pipeline: a golden heritage."
Bill will expand on his previous talk about O'Connor's contribution to Western Australia through the development of vital water supply to the goldfields regions.  Other major projects included the construction of Fremantle harbour, and developing the railway system.  All this work had a tremendous impact on O'Connor's health as he faced continual criticism from the press and Government officials. 
At the conclusion of the talk, please join us for a light supper and networking. 
Membership or volunteer enquiries are welcome on the night



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Historical Newsletters

Newsletter | January - February 2025
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Newsletter | November - December 2024
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Newsletter | September - October 2024
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Opening Hours


Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday


10AM to 2PM

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